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Buy Mezcal: One Of The Most Popular And Exotic Alcoholic Beverages With That Taste Better Than Tequila

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Alcohol is defined as a hallucinogenic liquified substance. The chemical composition of alcohol is a two-carbon chain having an alcohol functional group at the end. Consumption of alcohol or alcohol-based drinks induces intoxication in people. The different types of popular alcohol-based drinks are tequila, vodka, brandy, beer, rum, and so on. Another popular alcohol-based drink is mezcal. The raw ingredient of mezcal and tequila are the same. However, there is a slight difference between the process of manufacturing the two drinks. The agave plant is steamed inside industrial types of ovens and then distilled twice or thrice. On the other hand, mezcal is manufactured by placing agave plants inside the pits made beneath the earth. These pits are then covered with lava rocks and left to cook the agave. It is then distilled in clay pots. This gives the drink its natural taste. This is the major reason why people opt to buy mezcal more than tequila.

Benefits Of Mezcal

The manufacturing procedure of mezcal involves less industrial equipment as compared to tequila. This is responsible for the earthy taste of the drink and its exotic texture. People often buy mezcal to enjoy the exotic flavor and intoxication caused by the drink. The flavor of the drink contains a bold signature taste of the base plant agave. This is the reason mezcal is more effective and thus much more intense than its derivative drink tequila. According to research, mezcal is stronger than tequila by forty percent. This also accounts for the high intoxicating power of the drink.

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