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Dig up the importance of Wooden Table

Posted in Home improvements

stoły drewnianeYou should start by scanning the tabletop for any lumps and bumps. After identifying the lumps you should use an electric sander to sand down the tabletop and make it as easy as possible. As soon as you are through with the tabletop you need to proceed to the legs. If the table is painted you need to Remove it with an electric sander. You should note that if you sand the table using an electric sander you will still have to sand the corners together with your hand. You should note that it is always great to over-sand than to under-sand.


Once you have sanded the table you Should apply a thin paint of blot using a paintbrush. You can select any color you want and then apply a very nice coat. To stop the table from appearing cheap you should avoid applying paint. You should also avoid applying the most expensive paint since it is not worth it. After applying the paint you need to wait for 48 hours for it to dry.

Smooth It Out

When the table is dry, you need to Lightly smooth-out the areas that you may have over-applied the paint. You then need to apply the next coat. For optimal results, you need to make certain that the second coat is slightly thicker than the initial one. You should be careful and be sure that the second coat is even. Following this, you should permit the table 24-48 hours to dry.

Shield the Table

To protect the table you need to apply Two coats of polyurethane finish. The fantastic thing is that there are various kinds of polyurethane finishes which you could go with. By way of instance, you can go with satin or glossy finishes. For optimal results, you need to allow one finish to dry thoroughly before you apply the following. You should then sand the table gently using 200-grit sandpaper. It is also possible to use a fine steel wool.


These are the measures that you should Follow so as to refinish your stoły drewniane. For the table to endure for quite a while you should make certain you get it from a reputable shop. You should also make certain you purchase the maximum quality of table which you are able to afford.

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